

Your Date of Birth, Your Name reveals almost everything to the person who has studied this science and art.

Want to know all about you, keep your questions ready and post to us

What is Your Physical Temperament : The physical temperament is concerned with the person’s material and bodily needs

What is Your Intuition Temperament : Your intuition temperament is represented by your spirit, inner awareness, religion, psyche, prophecy , sentiments and inner guidance.

What is Your Mental Temperament : The mental temperament is represented by your mind, intellect, reasoning, positive state of mind ,calculation and imagination.

What is Your Emotional Temperament : Your emotional temperament is represented by your heart,feelings,imagination,affection,inspiration and actions motivated by sympathy love and fancy.

What is Your Birth Force/Life Path Period 1 : First Period Cycle is your month of birth.

What is Your Birth Force/Life Path Period 2 : Second Period Cycle is your day of birth

What is Your Birth Force/Life Path Period 3 : Third Period Cycle is your year of birth

What is Your Life Pinnacle 1 (0-33 Years) : A pinnacle is an experience occurring over a specific time in our life. These pinnacle periods have been linked to the four seasons. The first pinnacle is in the spring of life.

What is Your Life Pinnacle 2 (34 – 51 Years) : The second covering years of family raising and responsibility represents summer.

What is Your Life Pinnacle 3 (34 – 51 Years) : The third covering middle-age and growing maturity of judgement represents the autumn of life.

What is Your Life Pinnacle 4 (52 Years & Above) :  The fourth consolidating the experiences of life is represented by winter.

NAME ANALYSIS indicates:

What is Your Destiny/Expression Number : The destiny number gives us a broad outline of the Opportunities, challenges, and lessons we will encounter in this lifetime.
What is Your First Letter :  Every alphabet A to Z has significant role to play
What is Your First Vowel :  A,E,I,O,U plays very crucial role in your destiny
What is Your Heart/Soul Urge Number :  This number denotes what you value most regardless of Life Path (what you are from birth) and expression (what you will become in life).
What is Your Personality Number :  Your Personality number indicates how others perceive you. This is no easy task. No one can be objective about himself or herself. Even our closest friends and relatives have trouble describing how they see us. Numerology gives us a general understanding of the image we are projecting. That image is called the Personality number.


What is Your Talent/ Life Path Number : It is the main focus of a person’s life and existence and
it shows the major lessons to be learnt in his lifetime.

What is Your Ultimate/Maturity Number :  Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfaces around age thirty to thirty-five. This underlying goal begins to emerge as you gain a better understanding of yourself. With self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set for your life. This, in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity: You no longer waste time and energy on things that are not within your own special identity.

What is Your Ruling/Birthday Number : It is your basic character ,likes dislikes qualities and demerits.

What is Your Personal Year :  The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies ahead in the coming year

What Are Your Finance and Money Matters?
Each number has a corresponding energy that can indicate how a person will deal with
wealth and financial issues throughout their lives. Learning the energy of each number and how it influences and interacts with prosperity can give you some clues as to your own money-making potential.

What is Your Health Numerology?
You’ve heard it said many times, you can have all the success in the world, but if you don’t have your health, you have nothing. There is really nothing as important in life but to be healthy and to feel healthy. A critical factor in maintaining your health is to know what diseases and illnesses you and those your love are more susceptible to. With this knowledge, you can take preventative measures to ensure your health and offer advice to others.


What is Your Lucky Stone & Jewels : 

What is Your Lucky Planet :

What is Your Lucky Colour :

What is Your Friendly Numbers :

What is Your Enemy Numbers :

What is Your Auspicious Dates :

What is Your Auspicious Years :

What is Your Auspicious Days :

What is Your Auspicious Months :

What is Your Friendly Zodiac Signs :

What is Your Favourable Deities :

What is Your Lucky Flower :

What is Your Cereals :

What is Your Lucky Fragrance :

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